Itinerary 8: La Seu - Anserall

This route follows the lower stretch of the Valira River, which carries its waters from Andorra. The route starts in the Parc del Valira, located in the westerly sector of the Seu d'Urgell district and we leave the town in the direction of Castellciutat. Once at the foot of the Hotel El Castillo, you will have to cross, with great caution, the N-260 road, and walk to the right of the Tower of Solsona to find the path of the Rec dels Quatre Pobles (irrigation ditch of the four villages) that will take you to Anserall going up the Valira river by its right border. About 300 meters to the north of the village you will find the remains of the church of the monastery of Sant Serni de Tavèrnoles, a major representation of the Pyrenean Romanesque style, built on a set of Visigothic traditional architecture, and consecrated in 1040.



La Seu d'Urgell

Departing from the bridge of Castellciutat

8,4 km
+196 m



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