Itinerary 5: Turó Galliner

Departing from the picturesque village of Vilanova de Banat, the objective of this route is to reach the viewpoint of the Galliner Hill, which will allow you to enjoy the excellent views of the Serra del Cadí mountain range. Also, from this place you can see, among others, the Serra del Boumort and the Serra de Prada (Boumort and Prada mountain ranges), and the peaks of L'Orri, Salòria, and Munturull in the Alt Urgell, as well as the Tossa Plana de Lles and la Tossa d'Alp, already in La Cerdanya region. You can also see the Puigmal sector in the distance. The identification of these summits is facilitated by signs with the profiles and names of the mountains, which the lookout is equipped with. Moreover, it’s strategically located on a migratory birdwatching route and also allows ornithological observation.



Vilanova de Banat

Leaving from the village entrance

8,2 km
+480 m



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